When flying on Wildcat Touring, our top priority is the health, comfort and safety of our customers. In accordance with the final rule from the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), Wildcat Touring will no longer recognize emotional support animals as service animals.
Animals that previously traveled as emotional support animals and no longer qualify as service animals may travel as carry-on pets with a fee, as long as they meet the requirements.
Service animals in training, emotional support animals, and comfort animals may travel as pets, not as service animals. All requirements and applicable fees will apply.
Wildcat Touring will only accept trained service animals that are dogs. Customers traveling with a trained service dog, must complete the required DOT form available on this page.
We know how important it is to travel smoothly with your trained service dog. For questions, call 254-Wildcat (945-3228).
Trained Service Animals
Service animals must be booked prior to 48 hours prior to departure, customers must submit the documentation in advance for validation.
Travel Requirements
- Animal must be harnessed, leashed or tethered at all times
- Animal must be clean and well-behaved
- Final approval for travel will not happen until you arrive at the airport and it is determined that
the animal will behave accordingly.
Animals may not:
- Be seated in an exit row
- Protrude into or block aisles • Occupy a seat
- Eat from
Animal Behavior
Animals must be trained to behave properly in public and they won’t be permitted in the cabin if they display any form of disruptive behavior that can’t be successfully corrected or controlled, including but not limited to:
- Growling
- Biting or attempting to bite
- Jumping on or lunging at people
If this behavior is observed at any point during travel and isn’t corrected or controlled, the animal will be considered a pet. All requirements and applicable fees will apply.